Everything you need in a School Management System and more
Keep Track of All Students
Keep track of students’ progress anywhere and at any time. Get important updates from School and can also communicate with school/teachers
Access from Anywhere
Can be accessed from anywhere and at any time with the use of an internet-enabled device.
Managing School Administration
Manage all your school processes without stress. Manage all activities from enrollment to attendance, calendar, timetable, growth tracking, and lots more.
Compasse School Management System is a web-based user-friendly and cost-effective option for any educational institution. Compasse was created with the needs of educational institutions in every country in mind. It has a ton of features to meet the requirements of various academic institutions. It assists schools in managing all of their daily operations, from admission to examination, fee collecting to declaration of results.
Why use Compasse?
Compasse system fills the knowledge gap for parents while improving student learning and resolving administrative issues at the school. The functions of students, teachers, school officials, and parents are streamlined and made simple to use.
Fast, Reliable & Easy to use
Simple, intuitive, and mobile friendly. Most user-friendly school management system.
Customizable experience
Every school is different. Designed to support Schools of all sizes and structures, with customizable grading, report card systems and much more.
Data Archiving & Retrieval
Data & information are stored and retrieved consistently at any time without delay.
Reliable Support System
We have an excellent support system available 24/7 to provide answers to questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions and answers
School management software is basically a tools that lets an educational institution smoothly run the institute. It is web/cloud based software, which connects the users. The users being the ones connected with the institute like – students, teachers, parents. The software includes various features right from maintaining the attendance, generating results, managing finance and a lot more.
No, the system is a cloud-based software so it can be accessed from anywhere at any time and with any device that has internet accessibility.
Every school is different. Certain reports and features can be customized to meet the needs much more.
Yes, parents can pay fees on the portal
Yes, the portal generates several analytical reports.
Yes, excel can be used to register multiple students, teachers, and for some other data input.
Your data is not stored on your system but in the cloud. So, if your system crashes it does not affect the data already stored.
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