Manage all activities involving Parents, Teachers & Students easily

Everything you need in a School Management
System and more

Some Features of our system include……

Student & Staff Record Management

Enhances better administration such as handling and managing student's files and data. Schools can manage the records of their students and staff for proper documentation

Computer Based Test (CBT)

Schools can conduct online tests, mock, entrance & exams for their students. Schools can also set up practice questions too in order to engage their students in further learning.

Grading System and Result Management

Compiling, processing and computation of students' results is easier and seamless. Schools can set up their grading system and compute results accurately & accordingly.


Schools can manage their income, expenditure and other financial transactions in real-time.

Payroll Management

Schools can manage the payroll of thier staff at real time.

Online Payment

Parents or students can make payments of school fees and other fees using credit or debit cards from the comfort of their home.

Performance Index

Schools can keep track of their students performance. Parents can also view and see their ward(s) performance.


Teachers have the ability to take attendance of students for each class or lecture with ease.

Hostel Management

Record details on hostel usage, & hostel features like type of hostel, rooms, etc.

Transportation Management

Manage transport system of your school, record vehicle info. & routes, etc.

Inventory Management

Take stock & restock usable items, track usage, performance and users

Newsletter / News Feed

Parents get notifications on news and activities of the school via the school portal & email.


Schools can upload books for their students to have access to it for study.


Compile & generate student transcript quickly

Admission & Enrollment

Admission has been made easier; Schools can easily admit students online from anywhere and access their data with ease.

Chat System

Parents can chat/communicate with teachers effectively about their wards.

Trusted by many schools, join now!


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